Ten most frequently asked animal nutrition questions - part 2

我们与我们的团队进行了交谈,并收集了10个最常见的问题,以便在这里回答它们. This is part 2 of that top 10.

Read part 1 of this article 在这里 >>

How can we control Salmonella?

在畜牧生产中(无论是农场还是饲料), if we haven't found salmonella, it's because we haven't looked at the right places. T在这里 is never a full guarantee that we are free from Salmonella. 不过, the secret of a successful salmonella control program, is in the management and the handling of critical risk points. Salmonella should never become a clinical situation at first place, because then the only way to control it is through antibiotics. Prevention is our best ally, and our chances will increase greatly if we opt for holistic control plans. 有机酸,如甲酸,丙酸或丁酸,可以帮助营养方面 饲料卫生, 水acidificati在和 肠道健康. These useful tools coupled with other strategies, 如 good management, vector control and biosecurity, we can have it under control, in means of feed safety, animal safety and hence, 食品安全.

What causes wet litter in poultry houses?

我们知道,几十年来,禽舍中的湿垃圾一直是家禽生产者面临的一个挑战. As part of our FAQs series, 我们正在解决我们许多人都想知道答案的问题:“是什么导致了湿垃圾。?“ Wet litter is associated with the development of footpad dermatitis, which is known to reduce productivity by reducing weight gain, 增加货物, and reducing carcass quality and is considered multifactorial, resulting from the interactions between the animal and environmental factors.

Collett(2007)指出,湿凋落物产生时,水的添加速率(排泄物), spillage) exceeds the rate of removal (evaporation). The problem often has multiple causal factors 如 water leakages i.e., 从屋顶上, 水行, 喝的乳头, and condensation on cold surfaces, which trickles down along the surface and ends up in the litter.  
Bird excreta is another important factor that adds water to the litter. The excreta water content may increase as a result of nutritional imbalance, 疾病, or com承诺d gut integrity. 这些因素可能会导致肠道净水分吸收减少,导致多余的水分进入产仔. 
To help avoid wet litter, 消除各种泄漏,确保饮水系统管理良好, has correct water pressure, and is placed at the right height. 温度, 湿度, 通风需要控制和调节,以防止冷凝水,并有利于水分从凋落物蒸发.

也, work proactively with the birds’ diet and avoid overfeeding nutrients, 尤其是蛋白质和矿物质,以减少不必要的尿量. 从一开始就促进你的鸟健康肠道的发展. 一个强壮而有弹性的肠道可以减少肠道压力源的影响,并有助于保持平衡的水分吸收.


Can I combine 老ProPhorce™ with other products?

Obviously we get a lot of questions about our products, and star product 老ProPhorce™ probably takes the lead t在这里. 但我们也收到了很多关于十大正规网堵平台组合的问题,尤其是与proorce™SR的组合. So can you or should you? Can you combine an acidifier with 老ProPhorce™? or do you need the acidifier at all when you apply it? Can 老ProPhorce™ be combined with probiotics or prebiotics? We discussed it with product expert José Maria Ros Felip.

“你必须首先考虑十大正规网堵平台在人体的哪个部位发挥作用,”他开始说. “例如,酸化剂对消化道的第一部分,如胃或砂囊的效率有影响. The effects of butyric acid take place in the intestines. Probiotics and prebiotics are active in the lower part of the gut. 由于每种十大正规网堵平台针对不同的领域产生效果,因此将它们组合起来可能是有意义的. You may see some synergies”.

jossour Maria继续说道:“显然,并不能保证你所看到的协同效应将与这一添加剂菜单所需的额外投资相当. A lot of factors weigh in 在这里. 我们经常看到酸化剂和三丁酸酯的明显有效组合. 和你的联系人谈谈你的具体情况,我们可以看看是否可以根据我们的经验提供建议。”.


Which product of the ProPhorce™ Water Solutions portfolio should I use?

Another great frequently asked question! 从我们的十大正规网堵平台系列中选择一个解决方案将取决于您的目标, 想要的效果,或者你的饲料是否已经被处理过肠道健康的解决方案,比如 老ProPhorce™.
Our solutions vary from a highly concentrated and buffered acid mix, 就像 proproce™经典NC, that aims for optimal 水acidification; to an acidifier solution with boosted antimicrobial effect, 如 proproce™高级NC, 更广泛的解决方案还包括通过丁胺素对肠道健康的影响, 就像 ProPhorce™ Exclusive NC.
具体情况可能需要考虑其他因素才能做出决定. 请与柏斯托代表联系,了解最适合您的生物安全项目的十大正规网堵平台.


Can I replace sodium bicarbonate with sodium formate?

我们讨论的10个最常被问到的问题中的最后一个是关于碳酸氢钠的问题. 更具体地说,它是否可以很容易地被我们的甲酸钠基溶液取代 proproce™AC 299. 两者都是钠源,通常用于优化膳食电解质平衡(dEB)。. 如果你谈论的是单性动物,那么这个问题的简单答案是肯定的. 你可以用甲酸钠代替碳酸氢钠,这样做并不是一个坏的选择. 在仔猪中,使用甲酸钙代替碳酸钙已经是一种常见的做法,因为在日粮中,甲酸钙比碳酸钙更受欢迎, due to the lower buffering effect. So why would you treat sodium sources any different? 甲酸钠的甲酸部分是一种理想的离子,因为它能够帮助减少胃肠道上半部分的细菌.
有一种关于家禽中碳酸氢盐的说法,尤其是对蛋鸡. Bicarbonate improves egg shell quality. 这是真的. 然而,这并不意味着喂食碳酸氢钠能提高蛋壳质量. 蛋壳形成中使用的碳酸盐是由二氧化碳内源性产生的,不能通过饲料提供. Dietary carbonate will react with hydrogen ions and form carbonic acid. 然后,这些碳酸在胃/前室/瘤胃中分解成二氧化碳和水, causing an undesirable increase in pH. 在反刍动物身上,你想要的是碳酸氢盐的缓冲作用,而在单胃动物身上,你想要的恰恰相反.
这些简短的答案可以变得更加复杂,这取决于你想知道什么或你的具体情况. 想知道更多吗?? 与您的销售经理或柏斯托的其他同行联系,建立对话.

Read part 1 of this article 在这里 >>


Marketing Communications Manager 动物营养

+31 416 317 721



Marketing Communications Manager 动物营养

+31 416 317 721
